Sunday, 8 November 2015

reintroducing myself...

As you can see i have deleted all my blogs, and well thats because they involved other people, they said some things about my past that I choice I no longer want on here, and they also mentioned a person I named A.. and well that had some difficulties with people who I no longer talk to and I am happy to no longer have in my life, so from now on this is my blog and it will be about me and me only, yes sometimes I will mention other people but im not having them as the main people, because it coursed a lot of shit, and im not down for that.
So welcome, to my blog, who am I? you may ask, I'm Leah, a photography student from stafford college, currently 16 years old and happy with life. So if you think you may enjoy some of my blogs then please stick around, if not then dont read them, I dont mind. Some may be long, some may be short, I may rant about trains alot, so you have been warned... sorry... I also may do some reviews on different stuff.. Most likely books but I will explain that later.. (book buying.. kinda my thing..) but for now, thats all I really need to say.. 
so for now... 
Leah xoxo