Monday, 18 April 2016


Yeah, that's right I'm back!
I've had heartaches, terrible break ups and been cheated on since the last time we had a chat. I've also got a new job, quit the late nights and started the mornings. But there's a advantage, my boss is amazingly good looking. No I'm not going to go there, but there's nothing wrong with looking.. is there??

On the topic of heartbreak tho, I dated this dude for 7 months and honestly I thought I was in love, but I'm only 17, I don't honestly really need to be, although if you are in a loving relationship then that's fine, just don't mistake love for just liking when you're with someone. Although now I don't even like this guy. I told him alot and when we broke up it all got aired. So, not the best thing really. This guy also cheated on me... not once... but TWICE! yet I was blinded by "love" that when he said 'I promise you, I won't do it again' I was foolish and believed him. That's something I'm not doing again any time soon.

But life other than that is good. Passing all my photography assessments, and honestly I'm back and I'm happy.
So you want to say shit that's fine. You can start it. I will just finish it.


Wednesday, 6 April 2016

heart ache

Well, it's been a while.

I'm sorry, but recently I have had a bit of a bad time. I haven't been able to type anything, write anything or literally do anything. My heart has been broken. I've been broken, although the guy I was dating i hadn't been dating for long, he had my heart, honestly I have never been this in love. Now I don't have that. He has broken me. feelings can be fixed it just takes a while. So for a while give me a break. I need it, I'm sorry.

Sunday, 24 January 2016

when everything goes wrong.

When everything goes wrong, what are you meant to do? Are you meant to stay and fight? Or are you meant to just sit and cry about it all until it some how all goes away? 

Cause right now I’m sat typing to people I don’t even know rather than telling those who are close to me what’s going on. To be completely honest that’s meanly because I don’t know myself what’s going on. I feel so lost, as though I don’t belong as though nothing I do is ever good enough. I feel like everyone I know is cutting me of. As though I’m not wanted those who once said they will be here for me always are no where to be seen. 
Its like your lost in another world while everyone else is just carrying on with everything. But out of this all, what hurts the most is the fact that I don’t know if the guy I love will end up hating who I become. What if..? I’m not going in to that question because then I will be on a right typing fest.. (I don’t know either) but I guess what im trying to say is..

I don’t know what I want yet, and I don’t know who I really am. But I guess as things go on I will.. hopefully, for now I’m going back in to the real world.. 

Leah, c u soon